Revolutionary Moments in Fashion History

We all love to buy new clothes from the biggest of brands. But have we ever thought about who makes our clothes? It is not the brand whose tag is on the collar. Brands just sell the garments with their label on. The garments we wear are manufactured by people in the third world countries, under life threatening condition, dirty environment and unethical methods. That is the ugly reality behind the beautiful fashion we all love to indulge in. But Many of Fashion Designers who have completed their courses from Best Fashion Designing Colleges in Chandigarh does something unique in this line.

Fashion Designing Colleges

An incident took place in Bangladesh in April 2013, where Rana Plaza, a building holding five garment manufacturing factories collapsed. 1138 people died 2500 and more injured most of who were young women. That is when the Fashion Revolution was born. It’s a nonprofit organisation that works to uplift the lives of the labors who work in garment manufacturing factories. Main objective of Fashion Revolution is to campaign for a systematic reform of the fashion industry, focusing on the fashion supply chain to be more transparent. Fashion Designers from Top Fashion Designing Institutes in Chandigarh also study these facts precisely. The people all over the world joined in the movement since its inception in 2014 till date. Millions of people have started protesting and questioning their brands about who made their clothes. The famous hash tag on twitter who made my clothes was very popular and a next-gen way of protesting and bring change. The movement has expanded, thus forming a Fashion Revolution week, an annual fashion show on the anniversary of the Rana plaza incident.

Fashion Design Courses

We all live in a capitalist economy, which means that the sales must grow and the profits must increase, for the companies to succeed in the competitive market. Many Designers who studied from Best Fashion Design Courses in Chandigarh were also in this race of gaining more to more profit. But this does not have to happen at the expense of peoples’ lives and their working conditions, health, livelihoods and their will to be creative and respectful. This is what the Fashion Revolution is all about, to make the lives of the labours and people more human and change the mindset of the people to be kinder towards those who make their clothes. Wana grow your Career in Fashion Designing then you must Choose IIFD as your creative career partner that’s the name comes up when one look for Best Fashion Design Institute in Chandigarh.

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