Whether you want to be a fashion designer, learn more about Fashion Design, or become a better designer, you need a portfolio to show your skills. A portfolio is a collection of your best work that you can show to potential employers or clients.
Let’s start at the beginning! Here are a few secrets to designing and building your portfolio that will make you stand out from the crowd and allow your future employer or client to get to know your skills and work.

Do your homework
Find out what the company or brand you’re applying to is looking for. They will have specific requirements for the things you need to show them, like designs you made in school or at past jobs. You can even include sketches or drawings of fashion ideas. Just make sure to follow their rules!
Different fashion companies and brands will want different things from you. Make sure you do your research and only send designs that fit what they’re looking for. For example, if a company makes shoes, don’t send them designs for dresses. It’s important to match your designs to the company’s style.
Quality not quantity
When choosing what to put in your portfolio, think about the style and taste of the company or person you’re trying to impress. Don’t just add everything you’ve ever made. Pick the best of your work that you think they’ll like. Your portfolio should only show your best stuff.
For a young designer: 3-5 projects should be included in your portfolio.
For a more experienced designer: 6-7 of your strongest projects should be included.
Make sure your portfolio is neat and organized in a binder. Use A4 or letter-sized paper so you can easily add or remove pages.
TOP TIP: Start your portfolio with your best project and end with your second-best. This will make a great first and last impression.
Go digital
These days, it’s important to have a digital version of your portfolio that’s easy to use. If you can, create your own website to show people more about you and your work. There are many websites that can help you build your own website easily.
Portfolio perfection
Now that you know what you need to do and have a plan for your portfolio, let’s look at the details.
Including your thought process helps immensely, and these can include:
- Mood boards, collages, style, print, and trim inspiration.
- Rough hand sketches, iterations, and design book pages.
- Fashion illustrations.
- Tech packs, technical sketches, and closeups.
- High-quality photos of finished garments (flat lays, mannequins, or models can be used for photos).
Your portfolio should show who you are as a designer. It should show the company or client that you understand their style and that you’re the best person for the job.
Make sure you’ve done your research, chosen your best work, and created a digital copy of your portfolio. Also, show how you came up with your ideas. If you do all of this, you’ll be well on your way to a successful career in fashion Designing!