As lucrative as it may sound to be, there are some factors related to the fashion designing career, which may be cons for you. You must be aware of what you are stepping into, before finally beginning your career. So here, we will talk about some of the drawbacks which come with choosing fashion design as a career, which you may not have speculated before.

Demerits of Choosing Fashion Design as a Career
Fashion industry might be fascinating, but it also comes with cons. Here are some of them-
- No Fixed Hours: For some, this might be an advantage, but think if at some point your work becomes seasonal. A situation can occur where you may be unemployed for 3-4 months and suddenly get lots of work.
- Stress: Cooperation with teams or leading a team side-by-side in handling your fashion business is a big task. If the workflow is less, you can get stressed. You have to deal with different kinds of people which may give you stress.
- Unpredictable Income: As we know, it has no fixed hours of work, and the income received in a month is also uncertain. If you are a newly established business, then the situation might go worse without any orders.
- Effect of Criticism: The fashion design line is very vast and has lots of competition. With huge competition in the market, everyone wants their brand to look best by criticizing others’ brands.
- Build Reputation: Building a reputation among clients is a very difficult task. If you are not fully ready and confident about your work then it might go in the wrong direction. This will leave your brand marked as a non-recommended brand by the clients.
- Face Difficult Customers: You may not be from a background where anyone bullies you. But with your own business of Fashion design, customers who are arrogant and snobbish may occur to you. Being the front face of the company, you have to deal with them for not letting them spread bad word about your brand.
- Copying: Complying with another brand is equal to a serious crime in the fashion industry. Also, protecting your creative ideas is also a big task.
It is for you to decide whether you are up for these challenges or not. If your passion is so great that it can handle all these problems, it is not a difficult task for you. But if you are dreaded of these factors, you might need to think twice before making your choice or join IIFD.